

(402) 465-2161 传真 (402) 465-2537
res-ed [at] NebrWesleyan.edu (res-ed[在]NebrWesleyan[点]edu)


请仔细阅读本合同的所有信息和条款, 在完成之前, 因为你将受这些条款的约束, 这些都包括在 NWU的住房政策学生行为准则.

作为一个住宿校园, it is the residency policy of 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学 that undergraduate students reside in approved on-campus living units for three years or six semesters, 不包括夏季学期. 所有一年级学生必须住在大学管理的住宿设施中. 第三至第六学期的学生, 谁是姐妹会或兄弟会的成员, 可以居住在符合批准的居住设施标准的希腊房屋中. Registration as a full-time student at NWU during any academic year constitutes your acceptance of the room and board contract 和 rates in effect at that time unless you have received prior approval to live elsewhere in accordance with the university residency policy. 学生必须全日制注册才能住在学生宿舍. 如果学生的居住安排违反了住宿政策, student will be in violation of the 学生行为准则 and will be subject to disciplinary action. 违反这一政策不能作为对大学承担经济责任的借口.

完整的居住政策,以及其他住房政策,可以在 食宿政策和程序 页面.

I hereby contract with 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学 for the following room and dining plans:
返校学生必须在5月3日前通知住宿教育办公室, 2024年下午5点,他们计划撕毁这份合同. 在2024年5月3日之后的任何时候违反合同都将导致500美元的罚款.00费. 毕业的学生, 出国留学, CHIP or student teaching will have this fee waived if they are checked out of their room by semester hall closing.
This option is only available to students returning to campus housing spring semester from fall study abroad, 芯片项目, 一般离开, 春季学期的新生或转学生, 或者是那些在秋季学期从家里通勤的学生.
希望在指定的联排别墅或公寓居住12个月的学生 必须在2025年3月1日前选择这个选项吗. A $250.如果合同在2025年3月1日之后被取消或变更,将评估00美元的费用.
住在任何住宿设施的学生都可以选择此计划. 这是一个完整的用餐计划,每周提供19顿饭 还有每学期100美元的弹性积分. 所有一年级学生都必须有这个计划.
住在联排别墅或住宅公寓的归国学生, 并完成了4个学期的学习, 可以选择这个计划,包括75顿饭/学期和250美元.00分/学期.
学生s who reside in the townhouses or residential apartments may choose to have no on campus dining plan if they have completed a minimum of 4 semesters of study.
家庭电话 (可选)
以上迹象. 学生未满19岁时必须填写.

I. 差饷及付款

The 理事会 sets room and board charges for 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学 residential and dining facilities. NWU reserves the right to make financial adjustments in room and board rates if necessitated by increases in costs. 房价根据设施的类型有所不同. 单人间每学期的价格高于双人间. Room and board charges are due the first Friday of the first week of class or through the FACTS plan option. If for any reason your account becomes delinquent and is turned over to a collection agency, 您将负责所有收集费用.

II. 入住率


*日期可能会有变动.  Any changes to the occupancy calendar will be communicated over the summer via student email accounts

提前到达政策: Incoming and returning students must be approved for early arrival and if approved they will be charged a $35 per night fee for arrival prior to the check-in date. The only exceptions are participants in NWU sponsored activities that arrive on or after 8月ust 7, 2024. 学生s wishing to arrive early must contact the 住宿教育办事处 (402-465-2161) by 8月ust 1, 2023. 绝对没有到达, NWU赞助活动参加者除外, 可以在8月7日之前吗, 2024.

假期/破坏过程学生宿舍将在寒假、春假和暑假期间关闭. 额外的房价将被评估为度假/休息住房. When campus food service is not available 放假期间 periods a kitchen is available in the hall for student use. 标准的联排别墅和公寓价格包括冬假和春假的住房.

整合: The 住宿教育办事处 reserves the right to occupy all buildings and rooms at maximum capacity. 从5月1日开始到整个夏天, 随着学生返校,空间变得可用, 居民可能会被转移到开放的房间/单元,以确保所有单元的容量. Residents may be asked to consolidate at the end of the fall semester to ensure that all residents in double rooms retain roommates throughout their first year. 必要时,将通知居民.

3. 设备和陈设

内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学的每个住宿设施都有自己的特点, 但都提供了学生宿舍的必需品:床, 桌子, 衣柜(s), 窗帘, 无线网络服务和基本的有线电视套餐. Please note that some campus apartments are not furnished with a dresser due to the apartment set-up. 所有NWU家具必须留在房间/单元内. 学生s living in Townhouses and Apartments must bring their own living room and dining room furniture and kitchenware. 没有可用的空间存放房间家具.

IV . 退款

食宿: 所有学生在合同期内都应住在住宿设施内. Absence from the hall during the period of this contract does not entitle a resident to a refund of any portion of the room payment. 在大学上课期间,个人学费不予退还, 放假期间, or when the student is representing the University as an individual or as a member of a group. Any student who withdraws must immediately vacate 住宅设施 and cease using dining facilities or he/she will be responsible for room and board charges beyond his/her last date of attendance. 居民出国留学、参加CHIP、转学等. 第二学期必须在秋季学期的最后一天搬离宿舍. 不这样做将导致至少500美元的管理费. 如果南吴大学取消学生的住房合同,将不退还房费. 学生违反住房合同的原因包括, 但不限于:搬家, 转往其他机构, 从内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学退学, 违反者将被处以500美元的休学费. All returning students must notify the 住宿教育办事处 of their plans to break their contract by the final day of the academic year by 5pm for two semester contracts. Residents who select a 12-month contract for the Townhouses and Apartments and wish to change the contract to a 10-month one must notify the 住宿教育办事处 by 3月ch 1 to avoid a $250 fee.




保安及翻新: 损坏或损失由学生负责, 哪个发生在学生的房间, 住宅设施, 以及由于学生的故意或过失行为而损坏房间的陈设. A student may be responsible for damages or thefts to the hall that cannot be assessed to an individual, 由住宿教育职员决定. 学生s who are suspended or expelled from the residence halls or from the University for misconduct are subject to cancellation fees and charges.

V . 行为

人们总是期望居民有很高的行为标准. 政策 and regulations are established for the health, safety, and welfare of all residents. 规则和政策在 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学目录, 学生手册,以及在居民会议期间. 如果居民表现出破坏性行为,NWU可能随时取消本合同, 包括危及其他居民的安全, 不遵守或虐待大学工作人员, 滥用消防安全设备, 违反楼层或社区协议,引起其他居民投诉的, 或破坏NWU的财产. 此外,所有居民都受联邦、州和城市法律的管辖. 持有和/或使用麻醉品, 幻觉的药物, 大麻, 其他受管制物质, 以及相关的随身用品, 是被禁止的. 使用含酒精饮料必须遵守州和地方法律以及NWU政策. Firearms, weapons, and fireworks are not permitted on campus, including in any residential unit. 如果学生企图和/或威胁自杀或伤害他人, student may not return to a residential living unit until he/she is certified as ready to do so by a physician or licensed mental health professional. 如果学生的居住安排违反了住宿政策, student will be in violation of the 学生行为准则 and will be subject to disciplinary action. 违反这一政策不能作为对大学承担经济责任的借口.

VI. 一般信息

内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学 is not responsible for the security of students' personal possessions. 我们建议每个学生都有个人财产保险. 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学不负责学生房间内的非nwu家具. Personal items that remain in a room after a student has been assigned to check-out will be removed and discarded after 48 hours unless previous arrangements have been made. 在这种情况下,将收取处理费. 本合同不能自动续签. NWU保留随时更改房间分配的权利. 学生s who lose a roommate at any time during the academic year will be notified of their options. NWU也保留拒绝任何学生住宿的权利. 内布拉斯加州 Wesleyan’s insurer(s) will seek subrogation from your insurer if your actions result in bodily injury or property damage to the University of the named insures of the University.