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Leanne Hinrichs

Leanne Hinrichs,数学与社会学人类学,2015

[My work] involves lots of problem solving and cross-functional collaboration to deliver technical solutions for enterprise data challenges. I have prior career experience as a business analyst and in data management. 课程(和教授)!) at Wesleyan constantly challenged me and encouraged me to think out of the box. At first it made me uneasy to face a challenging problem where I didn't know where to begin but I became more comfortable over time. 我在课外花了很多很多时间和我的教授们在一起!



作为我(在俄勒冈大学)教学奖学金的一部分, I run discussion sections for microeconomics and macroeconomics classes. I love creating problems that involve little bits of math intuition to solve seemingly complex economic problems and seeing my students gain insight.  Many economic models involve a few small assumptions and then are solved using advanced calculus, 代数, 统计技术.  These models do a good job of approximating real-world behavior and I still find it fascinating that these models are built almost entirely from mathematical properties.

Graduate-level economics is built from the ground up using almost entirely higher-level math.  在我研究生课程的前三周内, 我用的是我在Real Analysis中学到的东西, 抽象代数, 线性代数, 数学统计, Differential Equations and Calculus to build up the economic theory that is used in almost all economic research and models.  My math education at NWU helped me enter the PhD program much more prepared than all others in my cohort.


Jacob Herink,数学与计算机科学,2014

I work in the Structures division where we manufacture lighting and traffic poles. 我编写程序来自动绘图, 进行工程分析, 并支持业务流程.  我喜欢我的工作,因为总有新的东西. NWU为我做了很好的准备. The professors always had high standards which instilled a habit of needing to provide a high quality work product. They also gave me the tools that I needed to grow in the ever-changing world of technology.




I teach mathematics at an international school in Tokyo following the Cambridge curriculum. 从北吴大学毕业后,我被Dr. Erdmann’s abstract algebra class that I completed a master’s degree in this field. I am deeply grateful to the NWU mathematics professors who have been my mentors through the years. They have inspired me to find a love and passion in the pursuit of knowledge, 在自己身上找到力量和信心. It is my goal to be committed to my students’ growth and well-being to the same extent that NWU showed to me. I owe a special thank you to the following educators for their devotion to my personal growth during my time at NWU: Drs. Pfabe, Erdmann, Mohr, Swanson和名誉教授Skoug.

The liberal arts education I received not only prepared me for life abroad, but made me discover my true motivations in life and opened me to this new opportunity. 你永远不知道你会降落在哪里, NWU为我在日本的不可思议的旅程做好了准备.




I work as a software developer at National Indemnity Company primarily on our flagship software product.  I use my mathematical background to improve existing functions/calculations and make them more efficient.  I also work on a side-project to automate as much of our day-to-day tasks as much as possible. 我主要使用c# /VB.NET and SQL, although I'm getting some practice with JavaScript as well.

卫斯理的伟大不仅在于教学质量, but because the small class sizes made students feel very comfortable asking questions.  在一个更大的机构教书时,情况就不是这样了, 我个人可以证明它带来了多大的不同.




I enjoy working with students and being able to help them discover mathematics and new ways of thinking. NWU让我成为一个独立的思考者. 通过不同的数学课,我准备深入思考. I keep in touch with a lot of other math teachers who graduated from NWU.



Horace Mann is a company that sells individual insurance and retirement products to K-12 educators, so being a former high school math teacher I really enjoy still being connected to education. A degree in Mathematics can lead you to a successful career in multiple fields. 毕业后不要害怕跳出思维定式.




I currently manage a group of 75 credit underwriters, analysts, and support staff.  We process credit card applications for new accounts and credit increases, as well as bankcard loans.  我很荣幸能成为一个伟大团队的一员,没有一天是无聊的! 

当我毕业的时候,我不太确定我想做什么.  I think a liberal arts experience helped me prepare for and succeed in a professional environment.  I think about all the non-math classes I took and I'm thankful to have been 'rounded out'.




我的第一份工作是跟踪股票市场, 债券, and commercial paper trades for individual retirement accounts in an investment research and management firm. It was fascinating to be part of the Boston and New York City financial industry and to handle accounts worth hundreds of million dollars. 当我搬回内布拉斯加州时, I worked for what is now the 健康 and Human Services Agency for the State of Nebraska. I performed a wide variety of jobs in my positions as 研究 Analyst and Program Analyst. 我编写并运行了提取医疗补助数据的计算机程序, researched and wrote fiscal notes for the legislature as they voted on new bills, prepared budget figures for the agency for state and federal reports, and used Medicaid data for reports on specific illnesses and populations.

内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学, I was encouraged to contribute my thoughts and information towards classroom discussion and projects. In today’s workplace, you will be expected to do more than reiterate what you learned at college. 每个人都需要解决方案. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, share knowledge and continue to learn.