

Below is the coursework required to minor in human resources management. 有关此程序的概述,请参见 商学学位.

BUSAD 2500管理原则 (3小时)

管理理论与实践概论. Students explore the history of management and the environment in which managers operate. Classroom discussion focuses on the basic managerial functions of planning, 组织, 领先的, 和控制.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Experiential Learning: Exploratory
BUSAD 3000组织行为学 (3小时)

This course provides a conceptual framework for understanding behavior within the organization. Students explore behavior at the individual, group, and organizational levels. Units of analysis include personality, 领导, conflict, motivation, power, and politics.
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C-" or better in BUSAD 2500管理原则 or permission of the instructor.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Discourse Instructive
人力资源管理 (3小时)

An in-depth study of current policies and problems in human resource management. 科目包括人力资源规划, 招聘, 选择, 培训, 管理发展, 补偿, 纪律, 劳动关系, 平等就业机会法律法规, 人力资源管理政策.
先决条件:初级职位 and a 1000- or 2000-level writing-instructive course.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive
BUSAD 3600协商 (3小时)

本课程介绍商务谈判的基础知识, strategies and tactics of a variety of negotiation styles and contexts, 除了…之外, 个体差异和跨文化谈判. 通过阅读分析谈判原则, 情况下, 课堂讨论, 演讲, 以及演讲嘉宾. Application of these principles is provided during the course through a variety of negotiation exercises.

高级人力资源管理 (3小时)

劳动立法, 劳动的趋势, and many controversial and contemporary human resource management problems are explored. The course is taught by case method along with lecture and general discussion of selected topics related to current personnel problems and trends. The 情况下 used are designed to demonstrate the student's ability to apply sound human resource management concepts and principles in arriving at effective and workable solutions to complex contemporary problems.
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C-" or better in 人力资源管理.

商业道德 (3小时)

This course investigates ethical issues and moral dilemmas found in the modern business arena. The conflict between an organization's economic performance and its social obligations are studied. Various economic theories, legal regulations and philosophic doctrines are discussed. 当代西方道德哲学, 历史和当代的基督教伦理, 社会理论为这门课提供了背景. 案例研究贯穿整个学期.

先决条件:初级职位 and a 1000- or 2000-level speaking-instructive course.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive
BUSAD 2500管理原则 (3小时)

管理理论与实践概论. Students explore the history of management and the environment in which managers operate. Classroom discussion focuses on the basic managerial functions of planning, 组织, 领先的, 和控制.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Experiential Learning: Exploratory
COMM 2400沟通与领导 (4小时)

学生将探索领导理论的组成部分, 技能, 和行为, and will examine and practice effective communication behaviors as related to 领导 processes and roles.

COMM 3700组织沟通 (4小时)

Students will explore the intersection of the theory and practice of communication in an organizational context. Particular emphasis will be placed on understanding how power within and between organizations is shaped by and shapes society. Topics include identity, power, globalization, technology, and ethics.
先决条件:初级职位, COMM 2300 Communication Theory and COMM 3500 研究 Methods or permission of the instructor.

COMM 4100专业沟通 (4小时)

Students will create and deliver 演讲 for a variety of communication contexts and audiences. Skills in interviewing and group problem solving will be also be developed.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive
COMM 4101专业沟通 (3小时)

Students will design and make 演讲 for a variety of communication contexts and audiences. Both practical 技能 and theoretical insights will be enhanced.  Students will complete major projects related to their professional interests.
Prerequisite(s):  Junior standing and permission of the instructor.

经济学3510劳动经济学 (3小时)

An analysis of labor theory and the labor force including an examination of occupational wage differentials, 劳动力中的女性, 人力资本投资, 就业中的种族歧视, 以及工会的影响.
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C-" or better in ECON 1540 Microeconomic Principles or permission of the instructor.

心理学1010心理科学导论 (4小时)

The Introduction to Psychological Science course will engage students in a learner-centered approach to the science of behavior and mental processes by synthesizing these areas of psychology: Scientific Inquiry, 生物心理学, 发展, 和学习, 社会文化背景, 个体差异, 心理科学与应用.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Scientific Investigations: Social Science
心理学1010FYW心理科学导论 (4小时)

The Introduction to Psychological Science course will engage students in a learner-centered approach to the science of behavior and mental processes by synthesizing these areas of psychology: Scientific Inquiry, 生物心理学, 发展, 和学习, 社会文化背景, 个体差异, 心理科学与应用.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Scientific Investigations: Social Science
心理学2500工业/组织心理学 (4小时)

The application of scientific methods and psychological principles to industrial and organizational behavior. 主题包括工作分析, 人员甄选, 绩效考核, 评估有效性, 人事决定的法律背景, 工作动机, 工作态度, 领导, 职业健康. The ultimate objective of this 纪律 is to maximize both employee well-being and organizational effectiveness.
Prerequisite(s): 1010年心理学/心理学1010FYW心理科学导论.

心理测试 (4小时)

理论简介, 建设, 政府, 以及标准化心理测试的解释. 考虑的测试包括智商评估, 一般兴趣调查, 个性的库存, 投影技术. General methodological and statistical issues in testing and measurement are also covered.
Prerequisite(s): 1010年心理学/心理学1010FYW心理科学导论.

SOC 3520群体动力学 (4小时)

因为所有的社会互动都是在群体中进行的, this course introduces students to the basic principles of small group structure and interaction. Students participate in group activities throughout the semester in order to study and reflect on the way groups function and influence individual behavior and identity. Topics such as goals, cohesiveness, communication, conflict, and 领导 are investigated.
先决条件(s): SOC 1110社会学介绍.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Discourse Instructive